Winter Crop Beginning to Flourish Again

According to the ABARES Australian Crop Report, this year’s winter crop is forecasted to do well above average. Thus, growers are ecstatic because of the strong productivity that is well above the historical average. According to Hari Yellina, of Orchard Tech, the national winter crop harvest is projected to be 54.8 million tonnes. Fortunately, this is 32 per cent above the 10-year average. The area sown to winter crops this year was also recorded at 23.2 million hectares.
When all crops are compared, this year has been particularly favourable for canola, where the national crop forecast claims a stark increase of eleven per cent. The main reason for this favourable harvest is the immense amount of rainfall that most cropping regions have faced. Nonetheless, this abundant productivity also resulted in the return of mice. Hence, the mice plague was inevitable. Even though losses can be expected, these mouse numbers not going to hamper productivity.
Ensuring appropriate quarantine places, the state’s responsibility remains the key barrier to stepping up the number of workers that can arrive from either interstate or overseas. It is also needed to see that the states that are yet to sign up to the Agricultural Workers Code do so to enable them to have access to the pool of Australian workers. This will enable farmers to bring in the harvest and enjoy an abundant and productive season.