The Victorian Dairy Industry Above Others?

According to research conducted by Deloitte Access Economics, the numerous competitive edges that Victoria possesses make it the ‘heartland’ of the dairy industry. Furthermore, this region is also considered to be a major winner in the dairy industry across the globe. Deloitte Access Economics has studied data pertaining to Victoria’s competitive edge in the agricultural domain, more specifically the field of dairy products.
The trade routes of the dairy industry, which delves into the Asian continent, is well mapped out. Additionally, strong relationships between the two are an added advantage to the trading process. The export infrastructure of this particular domain is unmatched when compared to any other around the globe. The greatest competitive edge is that there is 24/7 access to Australia’s largest container and cargo port. It makes it much easier to reach out when necessary.
Victoria has internationally recognised and transparently demonstrated food safety standards, and is a leader in the dairy food safety industry . Dairy Food Safety Victoria licenses all dairy premises operating in Victoria, ensuring traceability across all parts of the dairy production and
supply chain.
Victoria has world-leading dairy research and education institutions, such as Dairy Innovation Australia, it also has a technology industry and a large and diverse processing industry that specialises in high-value products that attract a price premium
in global markets.
The Victorian dairy industry has access to fertile soils and clean, secure water. Victoria enjoys a low incidence of pests and disease, that underpins world-renowned biosecurity advantages. Our export success is mainly due to the industry’s efficient, pasture-based dairy farms, the availability of grain as a cost-effective feed supplement and a progressive and efficient processing sector. Moreover, a joint investment by government in pre-farm gate RD&E has contributed to productivity growth in Victorian dairy.