Tasmania’s Cherries Ready for Export

The Morrison program has a set of programs that are utilized to support Australian exporters have tremendously helped to lift Tasmania’s cherry exports. Now, these exports have reached record heights.
Currently, 30% of Australian Cherries are exported to more than 30 countries in a highly competitive international market. Out of this, many are from Tasmania. Asian market destinations, such as China, Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan receive the majority of Australian exports. Emerging and potential export markets include the United States and the Middle East.
Cherry Growers Australia (CGA) takes a leadership role in exploring and negotiating important export markets, market access and market maintenance for Australian Cherries. Efforts are focused on opening and reopening core export markets, improving trade relations, overcoming trade barriers and exploring more commercially viable export options.
Exporting cherries is a specialised market requiring attention and detail to cultural sensitivities, biosecurity, packaging, market access and entry and transportation. The type and variety of cherry exported are determined by market access and cultural tendencies accounting for preferences in taste, colour and flavour.
Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment Dan Tehan said the Morrison Government had provided $781.8 million through the International Freight Assistance Mechanism (IFAM) to reconnect global airlines, helping Australian businesses reach their international customers despite the impact on supply chains caused by COVID-19.
Fruit Growers Tasmania CEO Peter Cornish said the 40 per cent increase year-to-year was the state cherry industry’s second-largest rise on record. Tasmanian cherry growers continue to invest in the industry, employing more people, increasing production through new plantings, improved grading, sorting and packaging, and a long-term focus on providing the best cherries in the world. The industry has been greatly helped by the Australian Government’s air freight support through the International Freight Assistance Mechanism during this period.