New Markets Open due to Macadamia Industry Grant

Article by: Hari Yellina (Orchard Tech)
In news that is welcomed by the agricultural industry, the macadamia industry is all set to gain access to new markets. The industry based in Queensland is receiving this opportunity as a part of Queensland’s Economic Recovery Plan. According to Tom Smith, a member of Bundaberg, this grant will be used to fund a project that aims to develop the microclimate monitoring system and a digital data decision-maker to improve the already flourishing world of macadamias nuts.
The main goal of these grants is to ensure that the recovery from the pandemic is swift and easy. Also, they are introduced to foster the advent of new markets which will be incredibly profitable for the Australian economic sector. This grant intends to uphold a project that will install weather stations and sensors, create a new online dashboard platform for growers and most importantly, provide educational advice to the numerous growers, farmworkers and research staff in order to better the current production rates. Minister for Agricultural Industry Development and Fisheries and Minister for Rural Communities Mark Furner said a total of $5.5 million is being invested over three years through the Digital Transformation in Agribusiness Initiative.
This funding, as part of the COVID-19 economic recovery strategy, will support agribusinesses to become digitally aware and ready to respond to future disruptions. Digital technology creates new ways of doing things that add value to the agricultural sector by working more precisely, efficiently and sustainably. Also, under a co-investment model, grants of up to $200,000 were offered for projects that enhance digital skills, drive business efficiencies and create regional jobs across Queensland. The approved grants of $1.045 million are mainly for projects that are using a range of technologies including the Internet of Things, cloud computing, intelligent apps, big data, automation, artificial intelligence and sensors.