New Fruit Fly Outbreaks Declared in Riverland

Article by: Hari Yellina
After maggots were discovered in backyard fruit, PIRSA announced two new Queensland fruit fly infestations in Waikerie and Paringa. Properties will be inspected in the new 1.5-kilometer “red” outbreak areas, and limitations on the transit of at-risk fruits and vegetables have been imposed. Mundic Creek, Murtho, Paringa, Wonuarra, and Waikerie are among the new red breakout sites. Residents and growers should support PIRSA’s eradication programme and obey their instructions, according to Fruit Fly Response general manager Nick Secomb. “Teams in orange overalls are contacting households with advice about what to do now that they are in a ‘red’ outbreak area, and will be frequently distributing bait to suitable foliage in properties as well as inspecting fruit for symptoms of the epidemic,” says the release.
“Check if you’re in a red outbreak or yellow suspension region and how the mobility restrictions affect you by looking up your address on the fruit fly website’s map.” If you live in an area affected by the red epidemic, please keep your fruits and vegetables on your property and do not share, sell, or give them away. Residents should familiarise themselves with the restricted fruit and vegetable activities in the red, yellow, and green areas on the map and seek guidance from the Fruit Fly Hotline. Mr Secomb advised Riverland residents to be extra alert this month, as detections are at an all-time high, and to clear up backyards and orchards to avoid fruit fly breeding.
“Growers know what they have to do to prevent fruit fly and are taking care of their properties,” he added. “However, the most recent detections have been largely in non-commercial trees, so please tidy up your home yard and help prevent future outbreaks.” Fruit fly and maggot detections have historically been highest in April, so households and orchard farmers should be particularly careful now and ensure no ripe fruit is left on trees or decaying on the ground.