Leadership Opportunities in the Wool Industry Opens

Article by: Hari Yellina
Wool Producers Australia is inviting young individuals in the wool sector to apply to be their next Youth Ambassador, as well as offering three additional online company director courses. Its ‘Raising the Baa’ Leadership in Agriculture Program will continue to offer the Australian Institute of Company Directors courses. The AICD company directors’ course is a globally recognised qualification that gives participants a thorough view of organizational governance, while the Wool Producers Youth Ambassador program allows a young person aged 18-35 to join the Wool Producers board of directors as an observer for a 12-month period. Jo Hall, CEO of Wool Producers, said the Raising the Baa program was such a success that the board decided to preserve the youth ambassador roles after the program ended.
“This is in appreciation of not just the Ambassadors’ benefits, experience, and ideas, but also the great influence of having a youth viewpoint on the discussions around the Wool Producers table,” she stated. Through the Raising the Baa program, present and future wool industry leaders may learn about compliance, risk, strategy, finance, and the responsibilities of the board. Successful applicants will be reimbursed for their course fees as well as their travel expenses as youth ambassadors. Nominations are due by April 7th, and further information can be obtained by contacting [email protected]
WoolProducers Australia (WPA) is Australia’s peak central organization for the wool producing industry, representing farmers who want to grow wool. They represent the industry’s interests in Washington, D.C., and around the world, allowing woolgrowers to shape their policies and push for change in their business. WoolProducers collaborates with state and federal government agencies, as well as other stakeholders, on important issues like animal health and welfare, biosecurity, pest management, natural resource management, drought relief, emergency animal disease outbreak preparedness, and industry development, including research and trade.
They are the only national body that can advocate for the mainstream wool sector and reflect wool growers’ concerns and hopes. Its members come from the commercial, superfine, and stud breeding segments of the industry. WoolProducers is a national organisation with three democratically chosen Independent Directors and members from State Farming Organizations.