Increased Almond Demand Leads it to be a Bumper Crop

The improvement in the outlook for global almond prices (a bumper crop) and demand has seen Australian grower Select Harvests upgrade its expectation for its 2021 crop. The organisation stated that 70 of its crop has been processed, with total almond volumes tipped to come in at 28,250 tonnes. Therefore, this amounts to a 22 per cent rise in the 2020 total.
The statement that was issued on Wednesday has been followed up with an upgrade. The company has now said the current market prices have increased by 50 cents a kilogram to between 6.75 and 7.25 a kilogram.
The company won’t get the full benefit of that price rise because 65 of Selects Harvests’ 2021 bumper crop is already committed at prices in the range – 6.15 to 6.45 a kg. The uncommitted portion of the crop is the lower value grades. Nevertheless, officials from the organisation state that the 2022 crop is progressing well with good tree health and all regions have had sufficient chill hours.
According to the representatives of the organisation, the strengthening of current market conditions is pleasing with the demand for in-shell almonds. Therefore, the 2022 crop is progressing well with good tree health and all regions have had sufficient chill hours. Moreover, pollination of the bumper crop will peak in mid-August and beekeepers have commenced delivering hives to our orchards. The almond industry and the state governments have cooperated to ensure bees can be transported across the state borders.
Production increase of 7% possible
An estimated 1.26 million acres of the bumper crop plantations are expected to contribute to production in the coming season, compared to 1.18 million acres last year. With an average yield of 2,100 lbs per acre, the crop could increase to 1.229 million metric tonnes, which would be an increase of 6.9% over 2019/2020 (1.15 million metric tonnes). The experts of Blue Diamond Almonds had even reckoned current estimates of around 1.27 million metric tonnes for the 2020 crop. Under normal circumstances, however, this should be enough for a new record crop. Meanwhile, the prices for US almonds on the European spot market remain stable.
Article by: Hari Yellina (Orchard Tech)