Fruit Fly Remerges in Southern Australia

Article by: Hari Yellina
Following the discovery of maggots in a home quince tree, PIRSA on Wednesday announced a new Renmark South fruit fly epidemic. Due to restrictions brought on by domestically cultivated contaminated quinces, there are now 1.5 km of red outbreak regions and 15 km of yellow suspension areas. Fruit fly officials from PIRSA will be visiting homes in the outbreak region to apply bait and look for the pest in fruit. They will be dressed in orange overalls. Winter fruits are now a target for fruit flies, according to Nick Secomb, general manager of PIRSA’s fruit fly response programme, and locals must safeguard their homegrown food.
Nobody wants to discover maggots in their home-grown food or give up their right to raise fresh produce without interference from fruit flies. We can prevent the spread of this problem in South Australia if everyone plays a part,” Mr Secomb said. “Know whether the fruit and vegetables in your backyard, such as quince, apples, pears, oranges, lemons, and avocados, are a target for fruit flies. On the fruit fly website, there is a set of basic fruits and vegetables the fruit fly enjoys. Mr. Secomb gave residents advice to select fruit as soon as it is ready and to properly dispose of garbage and fallen fruit. Residents are urged to consult the fruit fly website or phone the fruit fly hotline at 1300 666 010 since waste disposal policies vary throughout the Riverland. Many of the Riverland outbreaks, according to PIRSA, started in backyard gardens, typically on bigger estates outside of town with a dozen or more trees.
If you reside in or are the owner of one of these properties, Mr. Secomb warned that fruit flies will find your backyard to be quite alluring. To safeguard your yard and the entire Riverland, remove your fruit and prune your trees. Fruit fly freedom is still attainable if everyone does all they can to combat the insect, according to Jason Size, chair of the Riverland Fruit Fly Committee and a local grower. He said outbreaks have been difficult on the Riverland and that there is still a long road ahead.
“This is a critical period in the history of our Nuisance Free Area, and it is imperative that everyone take action to reduce and eventually get rid of this pest. We all need to contribute and aid in all of our endeavours. Don’t rely on others to complete it; we urgently require the assistance and support of the entire community, Mr. Size said. “Good commercial farmers typically know what to do on their grounds to decrease the risk of fruit flies, and anyone with fruit trees nearby must take action as well. “We all desire a fruit fly-free Riverland so that we may grow commercial and homegrown fruit without using chemicals and know that it is maggot-free.” The State Government’s free Family and Business support programme encourages primary producers who have been affected by recent fruit fly outbreaks to get in touch.