Fresh Herbs Growth and Production in Australia (2020)

Lemon Myrtle (Backhousia citriodora) is originally a Queensland Rainforest tree so they can grow exponentially into a fresh herb. They’re grown around Sydney a lot like a street tree. Traditionally, they were used medicinally. However, in the present times, they can be readily bought as dried herbs. Also, they can be grown in the gardens and be plucked to be used for cooking and consumption. Medicinally, they’re great for getting rid of headaches.
Bush Mint (one of several Australian species sometimes referred to as “Native Pennyroyal”) is a clumping, perennial groundcover fresh herb, about midway between English peppermint and exotic pennyroyal. It is native to Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and Western Australia. This species is smaller and more delicate than other mints, but has a similar aroma and may be used in place of exotics and other natives. This plant grows in sun or shade, and in a variety of soils, but does best in shady, boggy areas. Like parsley, this vegetable also falls under the herbs category.
Parsley is native to southern Europe and was renowned among the ancient Greeks and Romans and used for medicinal purposes. The Greek warriors used to feed their chariot horses with the herb, whereas the Romans made wreaths for their banquet guests to ward off drunkenness. This fresh herb was also used in ancient times to mask strong smells. In Australia, parsley is found growing in most home gardens and is a popular herb used to enrich a great variety of dishes. In Australia, there are two main varieties of parsley available. Curly leaf parsley has dark-green leaves that have curled (or crinkly) edges. Flat-leaf parsley (also known as Italian or continental parsley) has flat, jagged, dark-green leaves. Flat-leaf parsley has a stronger flavour than the curly leaf variety.
For the year ending June 2020:
1. 13,410 tonnes of fresh herbs were produced and valued at $231 million, with 4% sent to processing.
2. The wholesale value of the fresh supply was $271 million, with $221 million distributed into retail and $50.5 m into food service.
3. 38% of Australian households purchased a fresh herb, buying an average of 52 g of fresh herbs per shopping trip.
4. The supply per capita was 500 g, based on the volume supplied.