Carrots Growth and Production in Australia (2020)

Carrots first came to Australia in 1788 with the First Fleet. Convicts planted ‘Long Orange’ carrots on Norfolk Island just two weeks after their arrival and gathered in their first harvest in October of that year. This vegetable was identified as the fifth most valuable crop in Australia behind potatoes, mushrooms, tomatoes and onions.
Most of the carrot varieties grown in Australia belong to one of the following four variety groups distinguished by shape. However, new varieties, such as Mojo, are the result of combining characteristics from several variety groups via conventional plant breeding. The four major variety groups represented in Australia are:
As of June 2020:
Predominantly, carrots are grown in the southern states of Australia. However, a significant volume of this vegetable originates from Western Australia. Some of the regions where it is grown are Lockyer Valley, Gingin, Preston, Mildura, Riverland and the Adelaide Plains.
Australia identifies as a net exporter of carrots. It typically sends around 100,000 to 110,000 tonnes each year. As of June 2020, Australia exported 103,868 tonnes of carrots.