Avocado Consumption is at an All Time High

Even during the pandemic, the Australian market has been absorbing record sales of avocados as consumers are looking for healthy, versatile options. The economic recovery, continued retail sales and increased food service activities have boosted consumer demand for avocados, which will support the already established prices.
Just yesterday, the Australian government successfully announced a quarantine facility dedicated to the global pandemic. This facility is said to begin its services in the state’s Riverland region. It can easily house up to 1,200 season workers from the Pacific Islands over the upcoming three months.
The increase in Peruvian and Mexican freight volumes will offset the reduction in California production in 2021, but the California and Peru seasons will end later this summer, and the supply of American avocados may be tight after Mexico transitions to the new season. Industry marketing efforts have been recognized for their innovation and will continue boosting the demand for this trendy superfood. Avocado consumption still has plenty of headroom for growth. Per capita consumption of avocados in the US, which currently stands at 9 pounds, could surpass 11 pounds in five years’ time.
Numerous studies have found that a predominantly plant-based diet that includes foods such as avocados can help to decrease the risk of obesity, diabetes, and overall mortality while promoting a healthy complexion and hair, increased energy, and overall lower weight.
Current reports forecast production to increase strongly over the next few years with at least 115,000 tonnes to be produced per annum by 2025. This trend is driven by growing consumption in Australia, which rose again in 2019/20 to 3.88kg per person. Australia is continuing to develop its main export markets Singapore, which accounts for 38 per cent of avocado exports and Malaysia, which accounts for 36 per cent. As a result, Australia exported 4,051 tonnes in 2019/20, its highest volume of fresh avocados to date.