Apple Advocates Finally Rewarded

Article by: Hari Yellina
Rien Silverstein, a well-known voice and representation within horticulture, has received two awards for her efforts. The Boomaroo Nurseries Women in Horticulture Award for 2022 was given to Ms. Silverstein at Hort Connections 2022 in Brisbane on June 8, but she also received the APAL Women in Horticulture Award for 2022 at the APAL Industry Forum on May 30. The Victorian orchardist has earned recognition as a prominent female worker in Australia’s horticulture sector who has excelled in her line of work.
Ms. Silverstein has a long history of passion and contribution to the industry. She has been a board member of:
Through participation in the Pacific Labor Scheme, also known as the Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) Scheme, and the Seasonal Worker Programme, Rien has more recently sought to improve circumstances for both employers and employees. Michael Coote, chief executive officer of Ausveg, praised Ms. Silverstein for her standing in the horticulture sector and called her “a go-to person” on a number of significant problems affecting producers across Victoria and the nation. “In the fresh produce sector, Rien is a leader who inspires and innovates. Her ability to express the requirements of agricultural employers effectively and her obvious regard for her employees give her considerable weight in the decision-making process “said Mr. Coote.
“She is a fervent supporter of the PALM program’s advantages and tries to educate employees so they are less likely to be taken advantage of by firms who are operating illegally. “Rien has proven to be an exceptional horticulturist through the success of her own company, Silver Orchards, which is regarded as a market leader in the Goulburn Valley. “Rien also demonstrates enormous support for the broader sector, serving as a mentor to many and offering guidance, expertise, and aid to numerous entrees,” the article continues. In the Goulburn Valley, Ms. Silverstein co-owns Silver Orchards with her husband, Maurice, and son, Bo. Ms. Silverstein got involved in the community by joining committees, school councils, and later boards while helping to run the orchard.
Apples such as Gala, Pink Lady, Rosy Glow, Sundowner, Granny Smith, and Red Delicious are among the kinds grown at Silver Orchards. Additionally, it grows fresh plantings of PiqaBoo as well as the pear cultivars Corella, Williams, Bosc, Packham, and Josephine. Ms. Silverstein was referred to as “an amazing candidate for an award which celebrates leadership and remarkable ability, contribution to and achievement in horticulture” in a statement from APAL. “Forthright and pragmatic, she has repeatedly spoken up to speak for business, calmly and articulately, while also acting as a mentor to many and offering guidance, information, and assistance,” APAL added. Boomaroo Nurseries, the award’s sponsor, is a renowned vegetable seedling manufacturer that provides more than 300 million seedlings to growers all throughout Australia.