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Table Grapes Production and Growth in Australia (2020)

Table Grapes Production and Growth in Australia (2020)


Table Grapes Production and Growth in Australia (2020)


Table grapes are popular all throughout Australia. Because of this, they are grown across all states in the nation. Due to the labour shortage situation amidst the pandemic, Victorian producers are forced to admit that the upcoming season may be tumultuous due to the weather change and labour shortage. it is crucial to pick these fruits before any major rainfall. Thus, in order to gear up for the unpredictable COVID situation, many farm owners will begin shed packing.

Statistics of Table Grapes

As of June 2020:

  1. The wholesale value of the fresh supply was $328 million, with $314 million distributed into retail and $14.1 m into food service.
  2. 214,660 tonnes were produced and valued at $750 million
  3. 62% of Australian households purchased table grapes, buying an average of 843 g per shopping trip.
  4. The supply per capita was 3.1 kg, based on the volume supplied.

Major Production Areas

Some of the major production areas in Australia are Emerald, St. George, Stanthorpe, Mundubbera, Carnarvon, Ti Tree, and Alice Springs.

Main Table Grapes Varieties

Even though there are a number of table grapes variants, the fresh market is flooded with three major varieties. The Menindee and Thompson are the two most common green varieties in Australia. These grapes accounted for 38% of fresh produce for the year ending June
2020. Crimson, Flame and Globe, the main red varieties in Australia. These three varieties accounted for 30% of fresh produce.

International Trade

Australia is a net exporter of fresh table grapes, with exports growing in recent years. For the year ending June 2020, Australia exported 152,180 tonnes.